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Monday, August 24, 2020
Huroun al-Rashid Vs. Shi Huangdi essays
Huroun al-Rashid Vs. Shi Huangdi papers Shi Huandgdi, the primary head of the Qin Dynasty and Huran al-Rashid the fifth caliph of the Abbasid line are seen more as extraordinary manufacturers than barbarous dictators. Shi Huangdi was an incredible manufacturer from the beginning; climbing to the tossed at the early age of 13 at 246 BCE, he promptly started development of his remarkable sepulcher, which was finished not long after his demise in 210 BCE. Shi Hanged is recognized as the ruler who joined the families of antiquated China, in doing as such, he requested the development of an immense foundation of streets and channels and the association of different outskirt dividers of his realm into one extraordinary divider, The Great Wall of China. Shi Hong likewise is answerable for building the eight marvel of the world. The Terracotta Army which was found in the focal point of Shi Huangdis sepulcher. The military faces the east guarding his burial place from the foes he vanquished during his rule. The accomplishments alone would contrast effectively and the achievements of Augustus or Alexander the Great of Greece, anyway Shi Hanged was additionally an overbearing autocrat and administered with a n iron hand for a long time, passing on draconian laws and imposing enormous assessment rates to mistreat the normal people of antiquated China and to keep up his tight hang on the government. For instance, books composed by past instructor like Confucius were singed and crushed for dread that individuals would understand them and whine about their present condition of life. (National Geographic Magazine p. 13). Without his hang on the government and his oppressive standard, practicing power in a brutal and barbarous way, Shi Haungdi couldn't have become the incredible manufacturer he is known as today. Shi Huangdi was not by any means the only extraordinary developer during the old style human progress time. Caliph Haroun al-Rashid was the fifth caliph of the Abbasid tradition and grandson of Al-Mansour. Al-Rashid was not a genuine understudy of legislative issues, and was increasingly a benefactor of learning, music, and t ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The changing roles of men and women in families in Britain over the past half century Essay Example
The changing jobs of people in families in Britain over the past 50 years Essay For a significant part of the long history of human progress ladies and men developed to expect various jobs inside the family and bigger society. In any case, in many social orders, ladies were made to take a subordinate social and residential job to men. This circumstance has slowly changed over the most recent fifty years and there is greater fairness between the statuses of the two genders. Two significant conditions have made female liberation conceivable. Right off the bat, as works of female creators began to get distributed, social orders got presented to the ladylike point of view on different subjects. Also, occasions, for example, the Second World War had profoundly adjusted women’s jobs by bringing them out of their homes and into industrial facilities. The ladies suffragette development that occurred in the early many years of the twentieth century and the Women’s rights development of the 1960s were additionally instrumental in achieving generous change in the status and job of ladies (Allan Crow, 2001, p.21). These progressions were not confined to Britain, yet have happened all the while in numerous nations, particularly in West. While the job of ladies has seen astounding change in the course of the last 50 years, the equivalent can't be said of the job of men. A portion of the particular zones where sexual orientation jobs in Britain have transformed over the ongoing decades are talked about in this article. There is no uncertainty that ladies have consistently played a conspicuous job in the working environment and that their cooperation in it has expanded step by step in the course of the most recent five decades. 50 years back men were regarded the sole providers for their families and ladies were kept to residential work and raising youngsters (Morgan, 1990, p.15). In any case, today’s Britain is a long ways based on what was the situation in 1960s. Since the conditions of the Second World War constrained ladies into taking up jobs that were traditionally confined to men, there has been no thinking back as far as their monetary freedom (Davies, 2004, p. 260). Already, ladies needed to endure oppressive spouses because of their monetary reliance on the last mentioned. Be that as it may, as more ladies turned out to be monetarily autonomous, their opportunities concerning relational connections likewise developed. It ought to be recollected however, that regardless of having equ ivalent expert capabilities, work understanding and ranges of abilities, most ladies will in general get paid not exactly their spouses (Walters Avotri, 1999). For instance, we find that notwithstanding progress in numerous regions, the sex wage hole is an obvious sign that ladies despite everything have some best approach before accomplishing an equivalent status to their spouses. What is agonizing over the tenacious sexual orientation wage hole is the way that ladies don’t feel as rankled about this issue as they do in different territories of imbalance (Allan Crow, 2001, p.21). Likewise, British culture and history have generalized what include ladylike characteristics. The accompanying perception from examine group of Chichilnisky et. al. further explains this point: We will compose a custom paper test on The changing jobs of people in families in Britain over the past 50 years explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on The changing jobs of people in families in Britain over the past 50 years explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on The changing jobs of people in families in Britain over the past 50 years explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer â€Å"notwithstanding the way that today’s ladies and men share a similar beginning stage for getting similarly gainful in both the home and the workplaceâ€current convictions about income might be â€Å"historically biased†for generalizations. This thinking drives us to contend that industriousness of the sexual orientation wage hole in created social orders can be clarified by an inevitable â€Å"history bias†in beliefs.†(Chichilnisky et. al., 2008, p.299) In any case, past the â€Å"history bias†, there are different elements that add to sexual orientation wage hole inside the family. While the supreme level of ladies taking an interest in workforce has expanded, the generalizing of female characteristics has limited the spaces where they could practice. Subsequently, ladies and men are isolated occupation-wise, where there is wage-divergence between occupations. There is likewise dissimilarity among ladies and men of a similar age-bunches because of the way that the previous lose a couple of years for maternity and youngster raising which keeps down their career’s progress. So while monetary open doors for ladies have extended and thusly their jobs inside the family have changed since the 1950s, it has not pushed ladies to a condition of correspondence with men today. (Walker, 2005, p.32) We can learn helpful experiences about sex jobs in Britain by considering the establishment, hierarchical structure and different features of the British Association of Barbershop Singers (BABS) †a well known melodic association that has worked with driving causes during the last 50 years and has additionally given exhibitions in driving news sources, for example, the BBC. The BABS is only involved men, and the group of four music that is its feature is sung by four skilled men vocalists. When BABS is contrasted and its equal association Ladies’ Association of British Barbershop Singers, we see that both these affiliations direct races to pick their officials and overseers. The chosen individuals thusly report and give a record of their exercises to a national gathering. Obligations, for example, filling in as judges in melodic rivalries, offering melodic training, are taken over by another music group †the Music and Judging Committee on account of LABBS and Guild of Judges on account of BABS (Garnett, 1999, p.115). Both of these barbershop associations print and convey pamphlets, retail sheet music and discharge collections. The significance of this evenness in hierarchical structure and working is that â€Å"it leaves drastically from an origination of isolated circles that portrays them by sexual orientation as well as by social space. While the nineteenth-century definition of the term mapped a qualification of open/private onto the gendered domains of movement, this twentieth-century revamping of the model fully trusts its terms substantially more by establishing both genders’ exercises in the open domain of standardized regulation†. (Garnett, 1999, p.116) Subsequently, from the proof accumulated from the working of BABS and LABBS, we can deduce that ladies appreciate more opportunity and higher status both inside and without the establishment of family than was beforehand the situation. Be that as it may, one ought to hate from drawing wide speculations dependent on this proof alone. For instance, the facts confirm that British ladies, being residents of a progressed monetary and modern country, have picked up points of interest over their partners in different countries. Yet, it is deluding to accept that the mentalities of British men have changed at all in the last 50 years, when contrasted with how men in different societies see the job of ladies. For instance, the facts confirm that â€Å"Middle Eastern ladies are beaten for wearing un-Islamic dress; Afghan ladies are manhandled and disappointed with or without the Taliban; Pakistani ladies are enduring aggressive behavior at home, including corrosive assaults thus called ‘honour crimes’. On the off chance that traditional talk is to be accepted, the forefront in the continuous battle for general women’s rights lies in the world’s least fortunate, generally man centric and least law based nations†(Walker, 2005, p.32). It is then contended that in nations like Britain, where the standard of vote based system is high and resident liberation is propelled, ladies don't for the most part experience separation, viciousness and misuse that their less favored partners endure. In any case, investigated appropriately, it appears that the women's activist development of the 1960s and 1970s, and the rights won because of it, has given a feeling of lack of concern and a lost feeling of fulfillment to ladies (Allan Crow, 2001, p.23). The fact of the matter is less blushing than this as demonstrated by Amnesty International reports. Of all the propelled countries, the UK, the USA and Japan are striking instances of confusions about women’s freedom. For instance, as per an Amnesty International report, â€Å"abuses of women’s rights in the created world are incidentally detailed completely and accuratelyâ€as in Amnesty UK’s crusades on household violenceâ€but by and large they are depicted as secluded episodes and diverged from far reaching suppression in the creating world†¦whereas in truth, they show that maltreatment in created and creating nations are linked†(Walker, 2005, p.32) This carries us to a key explanation that has impeded more prominent advancement for women’s station in family during the most recent fifty years, in particular profoundly established sexual nerves and weaknesses of men. As researchers Werner Kierski and Christopher Blazina bring up, one of the center purposes behind the continuation of a subordinate job for ladies are men’s mental feelings of trepidation of the other gender. What has been named Fear of the Feminine (FOF) has been read for near two centuries now. However, it was psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud who verbalized obviously and finally a portion of these dread (the dread of men losing control over ladies communicated as ‘castration fear’). Later analysts, for example, Horney refined and extended this origination to represent men’s â€Å"dread of ladies and how this dread left men’s feeling of manliness on shaky ground†(Kierski Blazina, 2009, p.156). Carl Gus
Friday, July 24, 2020
An Overview of Quitting Smoking
An Overview of Quitting Smoking June 25, 2019 More in Addiction Nicotine Use How to Quit Smoking After You Quit Nicotine Withdrawal Smoking-Related Diseases The Inside of Cigarettes Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Coping and Recovery Most seasoned smokers spend part of each and every day hating the fact that they smoke. On the flip side, they relish lighting up with that first cup of coffee or after every meal, as well. The mental tug-of-war this causes creates a state of anxiety for many smokers. Does your mind bounce back and forth on the issue of smoking cessation? Or do you quit only to find yourself smoking again within days, or at most, a few weeks? Does smoking make you feel weak and powerless? Do you wonder if youll ever find a way to quit smoking for good? Statistics tell us that approximately 70 percent of Americas 40 million smokers want to quit.?? We also know that 40 percent of ex-smokers have more than one quit attempt under their belts before stopping permanently.?? Nicotine addiction is powerful and smoking cessation involves a lot of work for most peopleâ€"its not handed to us on a silver platter. You can, however, quit smoking successfully. And the good news is that thousands of people do just that every year. Theyve found their way out and enjoy a comfortable life free of thoughts of smoking. Most of them believed at one time, just as you probably do, that they couldnt quit. How did they do it? While there is no magic bullet that makes smoking cessation easy and pain-free, there are steps you can take to develop the commitment necessary to quit smoking in a way that will bring you lasting success. Top 5 Things to Know You are addicted to a drug. Nicotine is a powerfully addictive drug that affects brain chemistry. Smokers sometimes think of smoking as a bad habit that they can stop whenever they choose and are surprised to find that this is not the case when they try to quit.Its never too late to quit. Years of smoking and the health problems that come with it can lead us to believe that smoking cessation wont be of any benefitâ€"that the harm is already done. This is not true. Once you stop smoking, your body begins to heal itself. While not all smoking damage can be undone, much of it can be improved or arrested.Junkie thinking is normal and to be expected. Thoughts of smoking and feelings of loss and sadness are normal when you stop smoking. Every nicotine addict will experience these symptoms of nicotine withdrawal to some extent, and they will pass eventually, as long as you dont smoke and start the whole cycle over.Your quit program should include online support. You might not be the kind of person who enjoys chatting in an online forum atmosphere, but you should still think of online support as a mandatory tool in your quit smoking toolbox. You do not have to actively participate to benefit from the experience and support of ex-smokers who are working together. Stop in at our support forum and do some reading. An added bonus is that the light is on 24/7 with people visiting from around the world. So if youre craving a cigarette at 1 am, chances are youll be able to connect with someone right away.You wont miss smoking forever. Nicotine addiction has a way of holding us hostage. And when we try to quit, it can be overwhelming to imagine not smoking ever again let alone living a life that is free of thoughts of smoking. With education and the willingness to change the relationship you have with cigarettes, however, true release from the desire to smoke is possible...and well worth the work it takes to achieve. Quit Aids vs. Cold Turkey Cold turkey is a term used to describe quitting smoking without the help of a quit aid. It is the most difficult quit method, initially, in terms of nicotine withdrawal. And the rate of success for cold turkey quitters is low. However, for some people, it works. If you think you fall into that category, use the tips in the section below to prepare for the ups and downs that will come during the first few weeks of cessation. That said, there are a variety of quit aids available today that allow new ex-smokers to minimize the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal or avoid them altogether. There is no shame in using an aid to help you stop smoking and, in fact, doctors today often recommend a combination of quit aids and counseling as the best approach to stop smoking. Choosing the quit aid youd like to use is largely a matter of choice, barring a medical condition that might make one or another a better fit for you. Have a discussion with your doctor or other healthcare professional about quit aids before you make a decision. Preparing to Quit If you havent done it yet, pick your quit date. Dont make it too far in the future because chances are youll lose motivation before the date arrives. A good rule of thumb is to pick a date within two weeks of deciding to quit. Once you have your date, start gathering supplies to have on hand for your quit and remove all smoking paraphernalia from around the house and car. Lastly, start a quit journal and make your first entry the reasons why you want to quit smoking. Copy this list onto a single sheet of paper that you can fold and tuck into your purse or wallet to review when craving a cigarette. Add to your list as time goes byâ€"think of it as a way to keep your memory green about how much smoking negatively impacted your life before you quit. What to Expect After You Quit Nicotine withdrawal will be your first challenge. Learn what to expect from it and how to manage the discomforts. Knowledge is key to overcoming this short but intense phase of smoking cessation.Junkie thinking comes with nicotine withdrawal and can (and usually does) extend beyond it. It is a product of addiction that is common to all recovering addicts. Develop a conscious attention to what your mind is saying and the ability to change negative, self-defeating thoughts to ones that help you. Junkie thoughts will fade to nothing in time if you do this.Learn the art of distraction. Recovery from nicotine addiction is in large part an exercise in reprogramming our minds to expect something other than a cigarette to fill a gap. This takes work initially, but the mind listens and adapts quickly. Youll be surprised at how natural it becomes to not smoke once you get some practice at it.Be patient and let time help you. Healing from nicotine addiction takes the better part of a year to ac hieve. This doesnt mean youll be uncomfortable for a year, but it does take that long to reprogram the majority of associations we have with smoking. Relax and let time help you. Every smoke-free day you complete is a step closer to the long-term success youre looking for. 2:04 8 Tips For Quitting Smoking Change Your Mind, Change Your Life True freedom is a state of mind. We all know people who quit smoking years ago and still lament that they miss cigarettes. This is a scary concept for any smoker trying to quit, but you neednt worry. The key to truly breaking the ties to smoking in a permanent way lies in changing our relationship with smokingâ€"something that these people didnt do. Over the course of our years of smoking, we turned to cigarettes for comfort, companionship, stress relief, and more, learning to relate all of the events in our lives to smoking. We thought of it as a solution rather than a problem and unconsciously adopted unhealthy and inaccurate beliefs as facts of life, instead of seeing smoking for what it really wasâ€"a need to feed an addiction. Unraveling all of those false associations and replacing them with healthy ways of dealing with our lives will start the ball rolling on changing the relationship you have with smoking. Really Examine the Health Risks Another step in changing your mind about smoking involves removing the blinders we put up as smokers and seeking out information on the damage tobacco causes. We all know about the health risks, but avoid reading about them whenever possible. Taking a close look at research, news, and statistics will help you make that shift away from being a comfortable smoker to someone who cant wait to be clear of cigarettes for good. A Word From Verywell Most smokers are afraid to quit, but dont let fear paralyze you. Remember that this is junkie thinking caused by nicotine addiction and youve got the tools to deal with that now. Think about what youre really giving up when you quit smoking. Smoking cessation will reward you with benefits far beyond what you can probably imagine, so be patient and do the work to heal your body and mind from the years of smoking. Make a pact with yourself to stick with it until smoking no longer registers on the radar. It may seem like a winding path at times, but youll get there as long as you dont smoke. Believe in yourself. Youve got this.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The United States of America Essay - 871 Words
The United States of America Founded under the concept of a Republic (a government without a monarch, who’s elected representatives are responsible to the governed) the founding fathers some 235 years ago set out declare its independence and establish a new nation claiming their own sovereignty and rejecting any allegiances to the British Monarch. This of course sparked the Revolutionary War in April of 1775 that lasted until September of 1783. I am amazed that 38 men and later others could during a time of war come together and develop governing rules that would create the greatest (not perfect) nation in modern times. These men had known just how over reaching most government in the world had become and intended to prevent that from†¦show more content†¦The Senate on the other hand is straight forward with two Senators for each state, elected in a state wide election. The House has the sole Power of Impeachment, and is the origination site for all bills to raise revenues. The Senate has sole power to try all impeachments. The other powers of Congress are outlined in section 8 of Article I of which taxes, coining money the power to raise Armies and maintain a Navy and the power to declare war are the most notable. All votes by either House on any question shall be by Yeas and Nays and as such be entered into that Houses Journal. All legislation must pass both Houses be for going to the President for his approval/signature and before becoming law. This in it’s self is a significant check and balance within the legislative branch. However the use of deeming a bill passed rather than a recorded vote has significantly eroded these checks as well as the confidence of the electorate. The executive branch consists of an elected President and Vice President (successor to the President if he becomes unable to perform his responsibilities) whose powers include Commander in Chief, the power to grant pardons, enter into treaties and appoint federal judges with the consent of the Senate. The President holds the power to veto a bill and return the legislation with comments to congress. This then becomes the Presidents checks and balance over Congress. However congress can over ride theShow MoreRelatedThe United States Of America1536 Words  | 7 PagesThe United States of America is well known throughout the world for tis democracy ant the freedoms of its citizens. Since declaring its Independence from Great Britain rule in 1776, the United States of America has undergone a continuous effort to maintain law and order. In order to create a strong federal government with a system of check and balances the Constitution was proposed and ratified. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
Implementing The Economic Development Of A Nation State
Introduction Business sector is one of the main aspects in determining the economic development of a nation state. Many nations concern on the development of the business sector within their countries. In Indonesia, the government is trying to arrange the best laws and regulations to boost the development of the business sector. By the full support from the government, now there are several local brands of Indonesia that able to gain success both in the domestic and international market. The internationalization of market is becoming the dream of every domestic company in Indonesia, (X) S.M.L is one of the local brands which has the dream to expand its market internationally, even though it still focuses on the development of their existing shops both in Singapore and Indonesia (Chaerunnisa, 2011). Internationalization itself covers the whole activities performed by the company which related to the foreign market activities (Strategy Train, 2009). To be able to expand its market inte rnationally, (X) S.M.L needs to improve at all operational levels within the company. In this paper, we would like to elaborate the potential advantages of (X) S.M.L within its products. We are trying to analyze the challenges and opportunities faced by (X) S.M.L. and also the current position of (X) S.M.L in order to enter the international market. We also would like to provide the explanation of the current strategies being used by the company, and the improvement that should be made, asShow MoreRelatedNatural Resources And Environmental Management1273 Words  | 6 Pagesthe knowledge and understanding of how to use economic and econometric methods to determine trends, patterns and relationships and to examine the effects of alternative policies and assumptions. †¢ Complementing my academic qualification, I have more than 10 years of collective involvement in conducting country-level qualitative and quantitative research analyses on a wide array of crosscutting issues related but not limited to sustainable development, biodiversity, the water-food-energy nexus, andRead MoreCentral Bank1254 Words  | 6 Pagesof Central Bank, it’s monetary policy and issues facing Central Banks. The evolution of central banks as key players in economic affairs has a colorful history embodying over two centuries of economic and political thought. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Career Objective Free Essays
In my first employment, I want to be employed as marketing assistant for a drug Maker Company. Being a fresh graduate with a pharmaceutical degree from the university, I am quite excited to be in the marketing department because the job seemed to fit to my course (a Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmaceutical). The job that I want to have includes the sale of pharmaceutical products, taking orders from the customers, and developing business relations with both new and old customers. We will write a custom essay sample on My Career Objective or any similar topic only for you Order Now Target Market My main target market is the Pharmaceutical Companies in India, which manufacture pharmaceutical products and drugs for export to South East Asia. Most of the drugs are sold over the counter, as these drugs are common medicines for fever, cough, and flu. There are also generic antibiotic medicines such as cefalexin and amoxicillin that are sold cheap. At present, China, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, and Malaysia are the emerging pharmaceutical manufacturer and exporter in the region. In order to demonstrate my desire to work in pharmaceutical company in India, I checked for job opportunities in some pharmaceutical companies in India. See appendix A or Job announcements samples from India. This job opportunity requires a minimum of one-year experience but I believe that if the credential is impressive, it may not pose problem. Personal Features To prove my worth to the position, I would like to emphasize five features that describe me as a person, and as a professional. First, I posses a solid communication skills both in person and by phone which I developed during my student days as public information officer in our school organ which  I believe will benefit the marketing department. Second, I am proficient with Macintosh, PC, and spreadsheet applications; I am particularly gifted with technical skills that give me an advantage over other applicants. Third, I can effectively manage important aspect of business operations, including inventory management and account maintenance. I acquired knowledge in this area through my on-the job training at my grand father’s business firm. Fourth, I have a flexible character and I cab easily get along with others. This enables me to have the ability to organize and motivate others. I believe this is important in the work place because working in harmony with others builds teamwork, which is important in creating a productive work environment. Above all these, is that I posses a strong work ethic and enthusiasm to learn. I believe that with all this features I can help the company to boost its sales performance as well as in advancing the company’s competitive advantage. What makes me different from others? I understand that there are many applicants to the position I desired, but I would like to point out my advantage with others, which make the difference. Aside from the five features that I have which I mentioned above, I am a jolly person. I have strong sense of humor and I could easily crack jokes that can uplift the guts of my peers. I am willing to do some technical trouble shooting if necessary, even to the extent of working on twenty-four hours to ensure effective communication facility or to meet the necessary requirements. I am aware that this is not the kind of job I am applying but if I need to do so, I will be willing. My communication skills would be an advantage too. I have communications with a lot of important personality that could provide an important business link. If I will be given the chance to be part of the marketing team, I could work with these important people to advance the companies’ interest and goals. Salary Expectation With regard to the salary, I will not be so particular about how much as long as it is respectable. I mean not really high but not very low also. But this depends on the company situation. If the company is multi-national I would expect salary that will commensurate to my worth in the company. I believe this is justifiable because multi-national company earns enormous profits and it is not a sin to demand a fair share.  I will not demand higher salary, but just the appropriate compensation based on the prevailing salary standard. However if necessary, I am willing to accept lower salary if that meant developing good experience for a better job two to three years from now. I do not think demanding a higher salary at this point is unjustifiable in the sense that I have not proven yet my worth. I need to prove all that I have stated in my resume. The salary that I expect is the current minimum wage for professional. Promotional strategy (why I want This Job) I have learned about the job opportunity in India from the internet at Yahoo job search India. The specific location of the company is in Mumbai. I want this job because I have particular interest in pharmaceutical related work. Besides this is my field of expertise and it would be more comfortable for me if will be in this fieldwork. Perhaps what attracts me to this kind of work is that since childhood, I was fascinated by the pharmacist in their beautiful uniform that I used to see at a nearby drugstore in our neighborhood. I choose to work in India because I want to experience a new culture. India is one of the fastest growing economies in Asia and considered to one of the emerging hegemonic economy after the United States. What do I see my self doing in five years I would say that I will still be in this company five years from now but perhaps as the marketing head of the company’s marketing department. I am quite sure that both my technical and communication skills will be even more developed during the course of my employment and I expect that I can acquire new skills, particularly in management, that could provide me the opportunity for career improvement. I am confident that so long as the top management recognized my worth and justly compensate my effort, I can perform my best and remain loyal to the company’s goals and mission. What do I see my self in ten years? As I mentioned earlier, so long as the company recognized my worth and justly compensate my effort, I will remain loyal to the company and perform my best. In this case I see my self-being in the top management team or perhaps a branch manager in either India or in particular Asian country. My loyalty to the company will remain until the time of my retirement. The company’s trust and confidence in me as well as the fare recognition of my initiative, my effort, and my skills and experience with the company will be the motivating factor behind my commitment. Distributional Strategy I will make the employer aware of the benefit that I can provide through my resume with attached application letter. I must prepare an impressive resume that presents my outstanding qualification specified in terms of acquired skills, personal attributes, coâ€â€curricular and community involvement, awards, and most importantly my work experience. By means of these points of competencies, I can generally pinpoint my advantages over other applicants; and in the same way, the employer can easily determine why he has to select me from the many choices he has. Basically, resume and application letter is the best option for all application in making that first point of contact with the employer. This is the best way to make personal impression because this reflects your sincerity and personality. Appendix A JOB ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE INTERNET Marketing Executive Company Profile: The company is into manufacturing of High Quality Pharmaceutical, Chemicals, Cosmetics, Beverages Food Industries Machineries Equipments. Job involves : The job will include sale of pharmaceutical Machinery, follow up with client, Taking orders from clients, overall business development of the old and New clients as well. Experience : 1 – 3 yrs Job Category : Marketing / Sales Medical Marketing Associates Company Profile : A Pharmaceutical Group of Company Job involves : Post Graduates/ Graduates in Medicine/ Pharmacy/ science. Experience : 1 – 2 yrs Job Category : Pharmaceutical/ Biotech Keywords – Medical Marketing Associates More Information Salary : Upto Rs 1.75 lacs p.a Location : Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Jaipur Date Posted : Source: http://in.jobs.yahoo.com/jobs.php?jc=Pharmaceutical Work Cited Henry, Merrit. Constructing an Impressive Resume. The Jamaica Observers.  April 22, 2007. http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/html/20070421T210000-0500_122057_OBS_CONSTRUCTING_AN_IMPRESSIVE_R_SUM__.asp. Yahoo Job Search in India. http://in.jobs.yahoo.com/jobs.php?jc=Pharmaceutical    How to cite My Career Objective, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
The Best Of Earth Wind And Fire by Earth Wind And Fire free essay sample
Earth Wind and Fire (also known as EWF) does not have a particular style of music. That is why this album, released on November 23, 1978, contains songs from many genres such as pop, RB, soul, and more. The album consists of songs that were released between the years 1975 and 1978, some of the tracks were never on an Earth Wind and Fire album before. One of these songs was â€Å"Got To Get You Into My Life†, this song was first released by the Beatles in 1966. This song became a charting single as well as â€Å"September†which was a brand new song at the time. Those were not the only famous songs from EWF. In 1975, the song â€Å"Shining Star†was rated fourth in Billboard top 100 Songs. Then in 1976, â€Å"Getaway†received seventy-ninth. Both of these songs are included in this album. Personally, I like all the songs on the album. However, the songs I listen to the most on this album are â€Å"Got To Get You Into My Life†, â€Å"September†, Shining Star†, â€Å"Reasons†, and â€Å"Sing A Song†. We will write a custom essay sample on The Best Of Earth Wind And Fire by Earth Wind And Fire or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I like these songs more than the others because I feel like the group displayed more of a rock and funk style in the songs (except for â€Å"Reasons†, that song is very slow and I’ve just grown to love it). Shining Star portrays funk and rock fusion the best. The song immediately starts with a guitar solo and then the bass is added along with the drums. The beginning continues to crescendo (get louder) until the brass section comes in with an extremely loud and powerful note and slowly decrescendo so the main melody of the song can begin. Other tracks on this album are â€Å"Fantasy†, â€Å"Can’t Hide Love†, â€Å"Love Music†, â€Å"Getaway†, and â€Å"That’s The Way Of The World†. Earth Wind and Fire is a big band. They have multiple brass, saxophone, percussion, rhythm section players, and a flute player. Of course they have many vocalists which typically have voices that would fit into the alto and tenor section of a choir. However, the founder and lead singer, Maurice White, has a very unique voice that reach a variety of octaves (mostly the higher ones). EFW’s band size grew bigger by the year. The variety of instruments and performers allowed EFW to have multiple styles of music. Many of these styles are portrayed in this album, which shows that they are a well rounded group and this is a well rounded album.
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